04Alkira Pro­ject In Janu­ary 2012 we col­lab­or­ated with an Aus­tralia com­pany known as Alkira to carry out soft­ware devel­op­ment. we have imple­men­ted the fol­low­ing pro­jects for the team; Med­ic­a­tion Man­age­ment Mod­ule and Facil­ity Man­age­ment Mod­ule. Click here to read more about our col­lab­or­a­tion with Alkira.

03Integ­rated Dis­ease Sur­veil­lance and Response (IDSR) A web and mobile sys­tem for rapid data col­lec­tion for sur­veil­lance of epi­demi­olo­gical dis­eases across the coun­try by the Depart­ment of Dis­ease Sur­veil­lance and Response in the Min­istry of Health (MOH).

02Early Infant Dia­gnosis (EID) A sys­tem for the track­ing of HIV test data for infants at facil­ity level.

01Mother-​2-​Mothers In col­lab­or­a­tion with HP (Hew­lett Pack­ard), we are cur­rently devel­op­ing a Mon­it­or­ing and Eval­u­ation Sys­tem for Mother-​2-​Mothers South Africa to track patients on the PMTCT (Pre­ven­tion of Mother to Child Trans­mis­sion of HIV/​AIDS) programme.

- See more at: http://www.ilabafrica.ac.ke/index.php/what-we-do/research/projects#sthash.rRYVjS8x.dpuf