09Kenya ICT Board Tandaa project 08Girl Effect This is a Rural high school girls pro­ject that pro­motes ICT among girls’ schools. @iLabAfrica staff go to train and mentor in Kitui on a monthly basis. 07Mobile eLearn­ing and Computer-​Aided Assess­ment in Uni­ver­sit­ies The study entails the design, test­ing and imple­ment­a­tion of mobile based con­tent deliv­ery sys­tems and use of e-​Learning plat­forms to con­duct online assess­ments espe­cially in large groups. 06Mobile Boot­camps These are 2 – 3 day train­ing ses­sions on mobile applic­a­tion devel­op­ment that aim to foster innov­a­tion among youth. Since 2008 we have organ­ised boot­camps. 2011 was a not­able year; with Google’s spon­sor­ship, we organ­ised 5 boot­camps and for the first time organ­ised boot­camps in uni­ver­sit­ies out­side Nairobi, includ­ing one in Uganda (Mbarara Uni­ver­sity). In July 2012, we facil­it­ated a boot­camp at Strath­more Uni­ver­sity that brought together 150 developers from around the coun­try and res­ul­ted in 44 applic­a­tions being developed dur­ing the hack­a­thon on the last day. 05Google CS4HS This pro­ject aims to pro­mote uptake of com­puter sci­ence by high school stu­dents and improve the qual­ity of teach­ing of com­puter stud­ies in sec­ond­ary schools. It involved organ­ising a National Com­puter Sci­ence Teach­ers Work­shop, an Open Day for Sec­ond­ary School Com­puter Stud­ies stu­dents and a National Com­puter Stud­ies Com­pet­i­tion for Sec­ond­ary Schools. The Teach­ers’ work­shop was atten­ded by about 15 prin­cipals and over 75 teach­ers in 2011. 103 stu­dents from 15 schools par­ti­cip­ated in the competition. 04Busi­ness Incub­a­tion & Train­ing Centre The organ­iz­a­tion received a grant from Safar­icom to start a busi­ness incub­a­tion and train­ing cen­ter (2011) through which it is encour­aging and enabling young people to become entrepreneurs. 03Safar­icom Academy @iLabAfrica in col­lab­or­a­tion with Safar­icom, the lead­ing integ­rated com­mu­nic­a­tions com­pany in East Africa, estab­lished a facil­ity for devel­op­ing mobile applic­a­tions to exploit oppor­tun­it­ies cre­ated by the fast grow­ing tele­com­mu­nic­a­tion industry in the coun­try. The facil­ity known as the Safar­icom Academy offers the Mas­ter in Mobile Tele­com­mu­nic­a­tion and Innov­a­tion (MSc.MTI) that has enrolled more than 160 stu­dents since incep­tion in 2010. (safar­icomac­ademy) 02ISOC Grant The grant was titled ‘Use of ICT in Enhan­cing Teach­ing and Cur­riculum deliv­ery in mar­gin­al­ised Sec­ond­ary Schools in Kenya’. The pro­ject aims to: Develop Open Edu­ca­tional Resources for sec­ond­ary schools, Enable Internet/​Web access (includ­ing the local com­munit­ies), Mentor sec­ond­ary school stu­dents and Sup­port teach­ers in the deliv­ery of the Com­puter Stud­ies course offered as part of the offi­cial KCSE cur­riculum for sec­ond­ary schools in Kenya. It was ini­ti­ated by the ICT for Devel­op­ment (ICT4D) research group in the Fac­ulty of Inform­a­tion Tech­no­logy (FIT), the pre­cursor of @iLabAfrica. We partnered with 5 sec­ond­ary schools loc­ated in rural areas in Kenya and were assisted by 5 lec­tur­ers and 20 under­gradu­ate stu­dents. 01HP Innov­a­tions in Edu­ca­tion Grant of 2009 The organ­iz­a­tion received spon­sor­ship that was used to improve teach­ing of com­puter stud­ies in High schools in Kenya.