01Sam­sung Research @iLabAfrica received fund­ing from Sam­sung for research and devel­op­ment for a period of 3 years. @iLabAfrica is the second Sam­sung innov­a­tion lab centre in Africa. The research aims at help­ing stu­dents to come up with new and innov­at­ive products. 02IDS Know­ledge Ser­vice Wid­get @iLabAfrica developed an HTML wid­get to show­case IDS Know­ledge Ser­vices con­tent of tens of thou­sands of them­at­ic­ally organ­ised and hand selec­ted aca­demic research. The wid­get enables web­site admin­is­trat­ors to set its size so it can fit onto a sec­tion of their site. It also allows them to select what top­ics to dis­play on their wid­get. Read­ers can search and sort abstracts accord­ing to dif­fer­ent parameters. An example of the wid­get can be found in our Know­ledge Ser­vices sec­tion below. 03DANU Pro­ject @iLabAfrica developed col­lab­or­ated with an Irish com­pany known as DANU Tech­no­lo­gies, to cre­ate a win­dows mobile plat­form applic­a­tion that chan­nels com­mu­nic­a­tion between con­sumer and ser­vice pro­vider, which was suc­cess­fully imple­men­ted and released to con­sumers in Janu­ary 2013... Read More