Technology Projects: Mobile Applications

 Pois­ons Board (PPB) App 

This app enables the PPB inspect­ors to register and val­id­ate all the phar­macy work­ers and premises in the field in real time. The inform­a­tion is then made avail­able to the pub­lic. The applic­a­tion helps PPD to imple­ment the appro­pri­ate reg­u­lat­ory meas­ures to achieve the highest stand­ards of safety and qual­ity for all drugs, chem­ical sub­stances and med­ical devices, loc­ally man­u­fac­tured or imported.

National Assembly and county assembly App

Aids mem­bers of par­lia­ment in both county and National assembly to eas­ily access Order paper, Stand­ing orders and be able to vote on vari­ous sub­ject using thier mobile phone or tablet.

Uganda Legal App 

This legal app that focuses on Uganda makes it easy to access legal inform­a­tion and is tar­geted at law stu­dents, law­yers, judges and magistrates.

 App Wakili 

Allows users to search law­yers registered with the Law Soci­ety of Kenya, their con­tacts, and their vari­ous areas of expertise.

KCA Uni­ver­sity App 

This app has been designed spe­cific­ally for KCA Uni­ver­sity to allow stu­dent to eas­ily register for courses, get inform­a­tion on extra-​curricular activ­it­ies among other features.

Halal Kenya App 

This app show­cases Halaal cer­ti­fied res­taur­ants in Nairobi and Mom­basa and users are able to review the restaurants.

Laikipia Wild­life Forum App 

Designed to aid tour­ists in know­ing more of attrac­tion sites when they visit Laikipia. It also enables them to know more about con­ser­va­tion activ­it­ies taking place.

Kenya Wild­life Ser­vice Guide App 

Enables tour­ists to be able to check out National parks in Kenya, hotels around the national parks they can stay in & vari­ous activ­it­ies they can engage with while at the parks

Our team of developers have been able to develop sev­eral mobile applic­a­tions . If you would like us to develop a mobile solu­tion, kindly get in touch with us.