Our Partners

@iLabAfrica has partnered and col­lab­or­ated with some key industry play­ers and uni­ver­sit­ies both loc­ally and glob­ally. The tabs below show some of our col­lab­or­a­tions.

Safaricom Kenya LTD


  • Form­ing the Safar­icom Academy and estab­lish­ing the Mas­ter in Tele­com­mu­nic­a­tion Innov­a­tion and Devel­op­ment pro­gramme (MTD). They have sup­por­ted us in Cur­riculum Devel­op­ment for the pro­gramme that cur­rently offers schol­ar­ships to more than 85 stu­dents and so far has had 5 intakes.
  • KShs 10 Mil­lion schol­ar­ship pro­gramme support.
  • KShs 20 Mil­lion grant sup­port for @iLabAfrica Oper­a­tions and set­ting up of the Busi­ness Incub­ator @iBizAfrica.
  • KShs 2 Mil­lion sup­port for ongo­ing pro­ject activ­it­ies @iLabAfrica includ­ing the Mobile Boot Camps, National Com­puter Sci­ence Work­shops and Com­pet­i­tions.


@iLabAfrica has partnered with Google to provided mobile boot­camp train­ing across the coun­try and in the East African region. Google has also worked with @iLabAfrica to train com­puter teach­ers nation­ally through the Google CS4HS Grant, as well as other work­shops and con­fer­ences to pro­mote edu­ca­tion and tech­no­logy in Kenya.

Samsung Electronic Ltd


  • Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics part­ner­ship for the ‘Built for Africa’ range of con­sumer products. The aim of the pro­ject is to reen­gin­eer their product line to the African Mar­ket con­di­tions. The 3 year part­ner­ship sup­port is worth USD 450,000.
  • A team of 12 research­ers has been con­trac­ted by @iLabAfrica under this research part­ner­ship.

Ericsson Kenya Ltd


  • USD 40,000 grant to install a fully equipped Innov­a­tion lab with 35 PCs.
  • Tech­nical Assist­ance in the Devel­op­ment of the MTD cur­riculum and teach­ing in some of the mod­ules in the Curriculum.
  • Sup­port for Mobile Boot­camps worth KShs 500,000.

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)


Clin­ton Health Access Ini­ti­at­ive (CHAI) col­lab­or­a­tion for sup­port of the Min­istry of Health pro­jects. CHAI has provided a grant of USD 20,000 for infra­struc­ture sup­port. We have col­lab­or­ated in the fol­low­ing projects:

  • Integ­rated Dis­ease Sur­veil­lance and Response (IDSR)  – a web and mobile sys­tem for rapid data col­lec­tion for sur­veil­lance of epi­demi­olo­gical dis­eases across the coun­try by the Depart­ment of Dis­ease Sur­veil­lance and Response in the Min­istry of Health (MOH).
  • Early Infant Dia­gnosis (EID) sys­tem for the track­ing of HIV test data for infants at facil­ity level.
  • In col­lab­or­a­tion with HP (Hew­lett Pack­ard), we are cur­rently devel­op­ing a Mon­it­or­ing and Eval­u­ation Sys­tem for Mother-​2-​Mothers South Africa to track patients on the PMTCT (Pre­ven­tion of Mother to Child Trans­mis­sion of HIV/​AIDS) programme.


@iLabAfrica is a part­ner of Code4Kenya (C4K), a a Pilot pro­gram and a global first. Jointly fun­ded by the World Bank’s Innov­a­tion Fund and Gov­ernance Part­ner­ship Facil­ity, together with the Africa Media Ini­ti­at­ive, through their Digital Pro­jects Divi­sion, C4K will embed 4 fel­lows in Media and Civil Soci­ety Organ­iz­a­tions, backed by external soft­ware devel­op­ment team that are housed at an incub­a­tion facil­ity.

MIT-AITI Partnership

Strath­more Uni­ver­sity has had a fruit­ful part­ner­ship with MIT (Mas­sachu­setts Insti­tute of Tech­no­logy) through the AITI (Africa Inform­a­tion Tech­no­logy Ini­ti­at­ive) pro­gramme (http://​aiti​.mit​.edu) since 1991 now man­aged by @iLabAfrica. Through this tech­no­logy trans­fer ini­ti­at­ive, every sum­mer, MIT’s staff and stu­dents visit the Uni­ver­sity to teach emer­ging tech­no­lo­gies to young under­gradu­ates. In the last few years, this col­lab­or­a­tion has been centred on Mobile Applic­a­tion devel­op­ment and entre­pren­eur­ship skills.

IT University of Copenhagen(Denmark)

A group of 11 under­gradu­ate stu­dents from the Fac­ulty of Inform­a­tion Tech­no­logy (FIT), Strath­more Uni­ver­sity worked on a joint renew­able energy pro­ject with 10 Mas­ters stu­dents from ITU. The pro­ject involved set­ting up a sys­tem to track and mon­et­ise the usage of renew­able energy sources by rural com­munit­ies in a sus­tain­able way. The three month pro­ject (Feb­ru­ary — May 2011) was man­aged by @iLabAfrica.

Other Reginal & Local University

@iLabAfrica has also col­lab­or­ated with other regional Uni­ver­sit­ies run­ning Mobile Boot­camps including:

  • Moi Uni­ver­sity (Eldoret, Kenya).
  • Eger­ton Uni­ver­sity (Njoro, Kenya).
  • Mom­basa Poly­tech­nic (Mom­basa, Kenya).
  • JKUAT (Nairobi, Kenya).
  • Mbarara Uni­ver­sity (Mbarara, Uganda).


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Deloitte Con­sult­ing Ltd, a pro­fes­sional busi­ness advis­ory firm, has partnered with @iLabAfrica’s busi­ness incub­ator @iBizAfrica to help start-​ups that join the busi­ness incub­ator with fin­an­cial advis­ory ser­vices. Deloitte par­ti­cip­ates in the selec­tion com­mit­tee for applic­ants, invest in busi­nesses that enter the pro­gramme and act­ively engage in guid­ing suc­cess of the businesses.

Idea Foundation

Idea Found­a­tion has partnered with @iBizAfrica (@iLabAfrica’s busi­ness incub­ator) to offer fin­an­cial sup­port to star­tups that are accep­ted in the incub­ator. Idea Found­a­tion wel­comes stu­dent entre­pren­eurs with innov­at­ive busi­ness ideas to sub­mit busi­ness pro­pos­als for con­sid­er­a­tion to receive start-​up cap­ital.

CIO East Africa


@iLabAfrica has signed a memor­andum of under­stand­ing with CIO East Africa. CIO East Africa is a lead­ing ICT news house in the East Africa region. Through this col­lab­or­a­tion CIO East Africa will become a media part­ner of @iLabAfrica, by provid­ing pub­li­city to the activ­it­ies of @iLabAfrica. In addi­tion, @iLabAfrica will con­trib­ute art­icles to the monthly CIO magazine and par­ti­cip­ate in the quarterly break­fast and CIO 100 survey.

Kenya Law

kenya law logo
@iLabAfrica signed an MOU with Kenya Law on 2nd July 2013. Through this MOU @iLabAfrica and Kenya Law will develop, imple­ment and main­tain mobile applic­a­tions that allow Kenyans access to legal con­tent via mobile devices such as tab­lets and smart­phones.

AfriLabs Network

@iLabAfrica became part of the Afri­Labs net­work in 2013. Afri­Labs is a net­work of tech hubs across Africa com­mit­ted to pro­mote the growth and devel­op­ment of the African tech­no­logy sec­tor.


Alkira Aus­tralia has been provid­ing ICT con­sult­ing, mar­ket­ing and solu­tions for 23 years to organ­iz­a­tions such as National Aus­tralia Bank and News Lim­ited, build­ing on its exper­i­ence in enter­prise as well as small and medium enterprise. In early 2012 Alkira began work­ing with @iLabAfrica to develop an off­shore out­sourcing ser­vice that could meet the needs of Aus­tralian SME and enter­prise organizations.Alkira is com­mit­ted to work with @iLabAfrica and Aus­tralian organ­iz­a­tions to cus­tom­ize a solu­tion that will deliver the solu­tion that is needed.
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